Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Still can't believe it. This was my best find ever. Detangling Brush - Glide Thru Detangler Hair Comb or Brush.

Amazingly amazing.  My hair is a nightmare with a capital "N". It's not long, but being colored over and over, coupled with bad quality of water we have here, every time I get out of the shower my hair look like a tangled mop. How can it even do that? It usually takes me at least 20 minutes to brush it through putting myself in danger to pulling off my own scalp in this process.

When I came across this brush browsing through Amazon goodies, I seriously thought that all the glowing reviews are fake. It looks like a regular-ish brush and what possibly can be so different about that? But I fell for it and very glad I did. This little pink thing is a miracle and probably will save me from going bold before my time. I was very excited to use it the first time and was AMAZED how easily it glided through my hair getting it untangled. The whole brushing procedure took about 2 minutes vs. the usual 20. And there were just a few hairs stuck in it. A lot less casualties than my old friend. I could not believe it. I am very, very happy and will buy another for my sister for Christmas. This product was purchased by me on Amazon.

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